BHTC Senior Awards Banquet Report
It was a cold night outside but inside at Clayton Conference
Center on the University’s Laird Campus the temperature was
warmed by friendships, celebration, and everything Blue Hen.
34 senior athletes and senior interns from various support teams
within the athletic department were honored for their time at
A social hour allowed the players time to converse with club
members and other guests. Discussions were varied but there
was much talk about their futures. Those conversations included
athletes who will try to extend their careers in “the league”,
graduating players who are transferring to a new school, or some
who will move beyond football taking more traditional jobs.
Proud parents and family beamed as their sons were recognized.
A few players could not attend including All-American safety
Kedrick Whitehead but his sister stood in for her brother as he
received several awards. The awards included:
Nolan Henderson – Outstanding Offensive Player
Johnny Buchanan, Kedrick Whitehead – Co-Outstanding
Defensive Player
Ben Dinkel, Jake Reed – Co-Outstanding Special Teams
Artis Hemmingway – Outstanding Lineman
Thyrick Pitts – Outstanding End
Justis Henley, Anthony Paoletti – Co-Unsung Hero Award
Thyrick Pitts – The Newark Elks Club honoring the top
scholar-athlete in the class
Nolan Henderson – The Taylor Memorial Award given to a
senior who made outstanding contributions to the program.
The Taylor award presentation was assisted by current running
backs coach and former Blue Hen All-American running back
Andrew Pierce. A former winner of the Taylor Award, Pierce was
also needed to lift the very heavy trophy!
Comments were given by both Athletic Director Chrissy Rawak
and Head Coach Ryan Carty. After listening to their appreciative
words, the temperature in the room got even warmer as their
sincere caring for the athletes and their devotion to the University
shone through.
Each player received a plaque from the club and their framed
jersey from the University.
The Blue Hen Touchdown Club once again extends our thanks to
each honoree and wishes them all the best of luck in the future.
Go Hens!