Meeting Report – 9/23 Prior to Hampton
Imagine being hired to handle the special-teams duties on a new
football staff and when you show up there is only one kicker on
the team. That’s what Coach Art Link related to the club about his
arrival at Delaware. The starting kicker had transferred to
Cincinnati and the starting punter was in the transfer portal.
Fortunately, Coach Link got to work and brought in a transfer
punter and two freshmen place kickers. The special teams room
got a little bigger! Coach link told us about his special-teams
experience learning from both Ron Zook and Urban Meyer at the
University of Florida, as a graduate assistant, to his experience at
Division III Christopher Newport where he was the head coach
with responsibilities for special teams.
The second speaker was Blue Hen legendary linebacker Ralph
D’Angelo. Ralph entertained us with his Tubby stories including
the time Tubby was painting Ralph’s senior portrait. Apparently,
an assistant coach and the long time Delaware head coach had a
lengthy discussion about the color of Ralph’s eyes. According to
Ralph’s wife (who was also in attendance at the lunch) the color
match was perfect. Ralph also let us know who was the craziest
player on the team during his time – Kenny Bailey. Kenny would
regularly challenge his team mates to push up contests after
practice. It seems that very few, including Ralph, desired to
participate after a grueling practice!