What A Start To The Season!
The first BHTC lunch meeting of the year was a success with both Ryan Carty and Chrissi Rawak giving us an update on the team, and future facilities enhancements. Coach Carty was optimistic in his outlook, and A.D. Rawak dropped some hints about the behind the scenes fundraising and plans.
On Saturday, the BHTC sent two buses to Annapolis, and there was a very happy ride home. The Hens got the win, and at the same time discovered what needs more work. A perfect result!
The Club MVP’s were: Nolan Henderson, Offense; Johnny Buchanan, Defense; Ben Dinkel, Special Teams.
Our next meeting: Friday, 9/9, lunch at 11:15, program at noon. $25 for members, $30 for guests. PLEASE reserve and pay in advance.
DL Coach Sam Daniels and Player parent, DSU alum Frank Burton II will be speaking to us. We hope to have an MVP or two attend as well.