BHTC MVP’s for the Delaware State game:

Offense MVP – Marcus Yarns #21 – Running Back

Defensive MVP – Kedrick Whitehead #1 – Defensive Back

Special Teams MVP – Trey Austin #28 – Defensive Back

Next Club Lunch – Thursday September 15th in the Bob Carpenter Club. Lunch at 11:15, Program at Noon.

Defensive Coordinator, Manny Rojas and from the 2003 National Championship team, G.J. Crescione.

Please register and pay in advance:

Report on our 9/9 meeting to follow!

Defensive line coach Sam Daniels regaled attendees with his coaching career
journey from an NAIA school to the University of Delaware. Coach Daniels served
as coach of the defensive tackles at Richmond prior to taking the job with the Blue
Hens. He gave us some insight into the rugged Blue Hen defense touching on
some player profiles and his interaction with Manny Rojas, the Hens defensive

Frank Burton provided very inspiring words regarding the Delaware/ Delaware
State rivalry. A man who certainly wears two hats (or at the luncheon two sets of
gear!), Mr. Burton played for DSU in the 1980’s including time with Coach Joe
Purzycki (a Blue Hen alum and a former DSU head coach). His son Frank
completed his eligibility in 2021 after a solid career with the Hens and another
son, Riah, is currently in the cornerback rotation for Delaware this season. The
importance of Delaware playing their in-state FCS rival was clearly delineated.

The first BHTC lunch meeting of the year was a success with both Ryan Carty and Chrissi Rawak giving us an update on the team, and future facilities enhancements. Coach Carty was optimistic in his outlook, and A.D. Rawak dropped some hints about the behind the scenes fundraising and plans.

On Saturday, the BHTC sent two buses to Annapolis, and there was a very happy ride home. The Hens got the win, and at the same time discovered what needs more work. A perfect result!

The Club MVP’s were: Nolan Henderson, Offense; Johnny Buchanan, Defense; Ben Dinkel, Special Teams.

Our next meeting: Friday, 9/9, lunch at 11:15, program at noon. $25 for members, $30 for guests. PLEASE reserve and pay in advance.
DL Coach Sam Daniels and Player parent, DSU alum Frank Burton II will be speaking to us. We hope to have an MVP or two attend as well.

Just a reminder, we have our first meeting on 9/1 in the Bob Carpenter Club. We will hear from AD Chrissi Rawak and Head Coach Ryan Carty, This is a members only event. Doors open at 11:00, food is served at 11:15, program at noon.
Please register in advance, to save time at the door.

Also there is room on bus #2 to Navy on 9/3. $55 for members, $65 for non-members.
Register at:

Go Hens!


After a one year delay due to COVID disruptions, the Club was able to hold the Senior Aards Banquet this year. Pictured here, are the Taylor Memorial Award winners. Standing with Strength & Conditioning Coach, Chris Stewart, are Frank Burton III, DL, Dejoun Lee, RB, and Coach Andrew Pierce. Presenting the award is Chip Taylor.

The Club membership was pleased to have new Head Coach, Ryan Carty, and his entire staff in attendance.

Our other award winners can be found in the “About” tab HERE.

If you have questions or suggestions, please use the “Contact” tab HERE.

And of course, to renew your 2022 dues, become a new member, or sign up for bus trips, please use our online payments page under “Join the Club” HERE. Thank you!